Poetry contest – Seasons!

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Poetry contest – Seasons!

Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:08 pm


This contest is a poetry contest where we want you to write a poem with the seasons in mind.
Whether you decide to write about spring, summer, fall, winter, all four or just one, is up to you. :)
Give it a try and express your feelings towards one or more of the four seasons!

Rules for the contest:

1. Work must be Original.
2. Poem must be at least 5 lines.
3. Keep the poems family friendly - Nothing obscene or inappropriate.
4. All entries must be submitted before the 29th of July. The 28th is the last day you can enter the contest.

Prizes for the contest:

1st Place Prize: 8,000 R and the seasons head collection set
2nd Place Prize: 4,000 R
3rd Place Prize: 2,000 R

We hope to see many submissions! Post the submissions in this thread and good luck to everyone!

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Re: Poetry contest – Seasons!

Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:30 pm

The Rain Outside

As the calendar turns to January 1st,
The rain is pitter pattering on my window.
It sets on the grass, along with breeze that bites,
The wind outside; I can hear it billow.

As March the 1st rolls around,
The fog outside is still amidst.
The rain has not ceased or stopped,
Oh God of downpour, why must you exist?

It is June now, and Summer is upon us,
It is neither snowy nor sunny, yet somewhere in between.
The precipitation always contains to prevail,
Never stopping or faltering, no need for sunscreen.

The final season of the year has arrived,
September, October and most of all November.
Although I do not mind the rain myself,
When it was sunny, I can never remember.

The point of this poem is simple and clear,
For I live in England, where it's always bloody raining.

- Girvvy.
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Re: Poetry contest – Seasons!

Mon Jul 18, 2016 12:37 am

'Twas the night before Christmas when I awoke.
I woke to my surprise, with Santa in my face.
I screamed with surprise, and he slapped me to be quiet,
For he wanted to give me a message, and let me tell you. It was NOT nice.

He stomped on the floor, his fat going wub, wub, wub.
And he started ranting about all the things I've done, and I was in awe.
He said they were too good! And now he had no more presents!
For I was too good, and had to give me them all.

Now he was crying, more hysterical then one might think.
He said, "would you give some to the other children?"
I most certainly said no. I earned it. I will not share.
He then said, "this goes to show how you hate others and just do not care!"

"This was a test! You selfish scum! You deserve not one thing!" He said.
I crossed my arms, and spit in his face. I then walked away, and went back to bed.
When I awoke, I found a note. I read it, and balled up my fists.
It said, "Now I know how your true natures are. You are on the Naughty List.

I ran to the tree, to look at the presents.
I started to worry, for my name was not there, ANYWHERE.
I ran to the stockings, and looked in mine. What I saw killed my soul.
A sad, black mass, all alone. One single lump of coal.

A sad Christmas this was, for no glee was found in I,
But as the next year comes, if I get coal again, I will die.
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Re: Poetry contest – Seasons!

Mon Jul 18, 2016 2:17 am

The Season of New Beginnings- By Stephanie Sherman

As I come to this place where the ocean meets the land.
The brisk Autumn breeze chills my face but warms my heart.

It warms my heart with memories of us once upon a time.

A time where looking into your eyes made me fall for you like the colorful leaves that surround my feet.

Laying down in the scattered leaves, I gaze up looking towards the heavens.

Clouds mirrored with playful times along the shore, where our laughter drowned out the sound of the crashing waves and the whistling winds.

With each passing cloud a memory follows in its wake.

But like the tides you came into my life, filled my heart and slowly receded taking all but a few seaweed memories scattered along the shoreline of my mind.

With Autumn in it's full glory it reminds me that everything comes to a end. But glory be, what a brilliant ending it be!

Even though I know the coldness of dead Winter will come to freeze over the land and my heart. But like a deep knowing slumbering in my soul. I know that one day Spring will come, and melt away my sadness along with the snow. reawakening me. So that my feelings will blossom into something new.

A New promise.

A new promise of life'e cycle that I will love and be loved again. That I will dance along the shore again. Even though it may not be your laughter with mine, But even so, I will dance again.

So as I stare out at the setting Sun breathing in the comforting aroma's around me.

Taking it all in for a minute. I now know this will be our moment in time.

No matter how short it may have been. It had been ours.

So as I say my final goodbye, to this small moment in time. One lonely tear falls into the vast salt filled pool. A warm misty breeze kisses my face. With a understanding I take my leave, and begin to anticipate the new coming season.

The Season of New Beginnings.
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Re: Poetry contest – Seasons!

Mon Jul 18, 2016 5:48 am

The essence of time - Ember Animus

Winter is coming, this they always say
Although i never knew 'twas a fortnight away
Winter always brings about such reminiscence
The warm recounting of memories by the fire
or the countless snowball fights over countless hours
Sometimes, the winter breeze is bitter
reminding us of all those times, all those years
All of that pain, all of those tears
a part of us always frozen in time in our minds
kept in a permafrost of regret and of sorrow.
Until a person comes along and cracks the ice
Their words like a pick, and melting you with their eyes.

Finally, freed from this frozen land of memories
your soul begins to flow like the rivers of spring
carrying your past away from your mind
but a new anxiety grows, what will this new time bring?
Yet in spite of the anxiety something beautiful shines through
the joy of a freed soul is bursting forth in a glorious day
making a radiant rainbow out of the heavy storm,
like painting heart warming reds over the binding blues.

Soon though, a new issue grows and the soul is pressed yet again
in this new position you have found yourself in.
The eyes of this world are ever-prying, divining your secrets
they seek every crack and every crevice, searching your soul.
These hot coals you are carefully treading upon
are just like a hot summer day, just wanting that break
You yearn for a simple glass of water, but are rejected
every trial just pressing you harder, its growing so hard to stand
you finally break and fall in the sand.
You snap at everyone, force them away
You hate to do it, but you just dont want them to see your face.
You were supposed to be unbreakable, not phased by this world
You were supposed to be a role model, a 'god' for the poor.
Not just the money, but the poor in everything
yet it seems, you worked for everything, but ended up with nothing.
The break is so surreal, you broke under the pressure
as you lie there, wondering how you let it get so far
wondering what you done, wondering why its so hard.
You just lie there, being burned to a crisp in the sun
just wanting forgiveness, just wanting someone.

You lay there for hours, til you finally had enough
you pick yourself up, and shrug off the sand
You go to everyone, trying to make amends.
Like as fall comes, you are turning a new color,
dying to old, so you will become like new
The more that you tried however, the more they pushed away
you just ended up becoming colder, like the old wretched days
before that kindred soul came along and warmed you up
at least now, you can be wiser as you freeze back over
becoming cold and uncaring, frozen to all.

Yet the freeze happens so fast, it captures your true essence like clear glass.
While frozen on the outside, hard and cold to all
Sheltering yourself from the storm brought from the fall
You burn with desire for it to be as clear as day
That you just want a true friend, somehow, someway

The meaning of this can be what you take from it, however, the intention is to depict the essense of our lives throughout time, we all have those heights, depths, and mistakes. There is that one time where everything seems to be at its worst, and we end up stop feeling after so long of the pain, i tried to capture/depict this with my words.
Last edited by EmberCelica on Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Poetry contest – Seasons!

Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:44 am

As we stand on the fallen leaves of Autumn trees.
Holding out for spring.

Feeling the wind blowing softly through the branches.
Listening quietly for the birds to sing.

Looking deeply into each-others shared soul.
For the truth we both don't want to know.

We both feel our shared love is waning.
But we'll both keep hiding and sustaining.

For it's easier to live a lie.
Than it is to say goodbye.

-- A poem by Pri about two people in a relationship who realise while walking around a park in autumn that their relationship is over, but it's more comforting to stay together than to admit they have no future and part ways. --
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Re: Poetry contest – Seasons!

Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:42 pm

spring has come to us
the first breath of newborn babe
endless potential

summer sun shines down
children play with innocence
best times of our lives

now it's time to work
autumn shows her full colours
our children full grown

cold of winter time
look back to the past seasons
in our short full lives
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Re: Poetry contest – Seasons!

Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:52 pm

First there was heat the sun shining brightly.
Then there was color like water spilling forth.
Reds, Browns, Oranges flowing forth flooding the landscape.
Then there was white blanketing the color.
It chilled the air freezing everything it touched.
Then came a ray of sunlight melting away the white.
Showing green but also blues and yellows and reds.
And as I stare at my blooming flowers I smile.
For spring as come again.
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Re: Poetry contest – Seasons!

Fri Jul 29, 2016 2:05 pm

First of all I have to say that I loved all the poems and I am very impressed by the submissions you've made for this contest. Secondly I am very happy to see that many chose to participate in this contest :)
But of course, the important part to come...

1st place goes to Stephanie_W. A huge congratulations to you! The Season of New Beginnings is a lovely poem about loving, remembering and moving on. I was caught by the great imagery and the lovely story and I enjoyed reading it a lot!

2nd place goes to both Pri_ and Girvvy. I couldn't choose between them as I found them both great. They were both simple and clear, but very effective - good job guys, you will both receive 4000 R.

3rd place goes to Ember_Celica. The essence of time is another lovely poem about life changes that I feel catches both the ups and downs in life. Nicely done.

Congratulations to you all,
~ Mentos

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