Pulse Protection by Pri

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Pulse Protection by Pri

Sun Jun 27, 2010 3:49 am

Pulse Protection by Pri v1.1 (27th of May 2012)
(34.67 KiB) Downloaded 832 times

Like this script? Check out some of my other awesome scripts!

  • You may host this script as is.
  • You may alter the script however you want, but if you propagate your modified version I'd like you to share it publicly :) - If you don't that's cool too.
  • I reserve the right to deny you access to the Pulse Protection API that the script uses if you abuse the API (Hacking, Overloading it etc)
Setup Difficulty: Easy
  • You must place the file in your Metis Plugins folder & edit your mxc.xml to add the line <include file="Pulse.Protection.by.Pri.xml"/>
How do I upgrade from an old version?
  • Simply replace the old file with the new one from the top of this post, then restart your bot. Alternatively if you don't want to restart your bot you can enter /mxc load in your bots main chat window, this will make it reload all your plugins without restarting.
Requirements: Features:
  • Script can track users IP's that enter your room and tell you their aliases
  • Script can report the locations of users based on their IP Address New! - v0.8a
  • Script can report the names of rooms that your users are hosting New! - v0.9a
  • Script can list which rooms have the same Pulse Password as you do New! - v0.8a
  • Syncs data to the MXPulse server and then downloads the data to other Pulse Protection users
  • Includes password generation so that only you and your friends can share data between yourselves* (read more below)
  • Can automatically notify you of new versions of the script
  • Supports Ouka, FXServer, WCS, RCS, RSWCS and ZCS out of the box
  • !Pulserooms - List all the rooms that have the same Pulse password as you
  • !PulseGeo On/Off - Turn the Geolocation feature On or Off
  • !PulseHost On/Off - Turn the Host/Room name reporting feature On or Off
  • Question: I keep getting this error "unknown operator type readweb will default to +" what does it mean?
  • Answer: It means you have an older version of Metis installed. Please download version 2.82 of Metis from the top of this page.
  • ---
  • Question: I keep getting this message "</b>" what does it mean?
  • Answer: It means you have an older version of Metis installed. Please download version 2.82 of Metis from the top of this page.
  • ---
  • Question: Sometimes when a user enters my room Pulse Protection displays their name with a lot of ???? symbols
  • Answer: This is due to corrupted data being sent to the Pulse server. It may be caused by your connection to the server, someone else within your pulse group sending corrupted data or another packet in transit issue. This is not a deliberate attack it is merely a bug and nothing to be concerned about, a future version of Pulse will include integrity checks on received data to fix this issue.
Need to Know Stuff:
  • As above it requires version 2.82 of Metis. If you do not use 2.82 (Or a better version than 2.82) Then this script will not work at all.
  • I am happy to offer you 1 to 1 support in your room with this script if you need it, you can find me in the Renegades room on MX
  • 27th of May 2012: Fixed a minor user interface bug when the geolocation option was turned off and another but different interface bug when geolocation was turned on
  • 27th of May 2012: Added support for all future Metis releases without needing to upgrade the script in the future
  • 9th of October 2011: Added support for Metis 2.82
  • 26th of April 2011: Fixed a small bug with the 'Only' and 'Also' known as UI
  • 25th of April 2011: Added Host/Room Name reporting, Altered UI for Geolocation Output, Added Metis 2.8 with working Readweb function, Added remote Geolocation Deactivation Feature for 'Just in case' scenario
  • 2nd of April 2011: Added geolocation to user entry, fixed a bug when bot doesn't have IP viewing access and added a way to list the rooms that use the same Pulse password as you
  • 23rd of Jan 2011: Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect data to be reported about users who had a # character in their username
  • 26th of June 2010: First public release v0.6a
Thanks Testers:
  • Wavparty from "LATENight Movies"
  • Shakey from "Angels Movie House"
  • Alice from "The Garden"
  • Sarah from "A Music & Movie Spectrum"
  • Lynn from "Lynn and Friends Room"
  • Rty from "Help 4 your PC & Movies n Beer"
  • PeaceKeeper from "Movie Godz"
  • + others that I may have forgot!
*When the script is first run it will generate a unique password that your installed copy of Pulse Protection will use to sign all data that you send to the server. No one else can access this data except for you and anyone you share the password with. The intent of the password is for you to share it with your friends that also host rooms so that you can create a "Network of Trust" where you and your friends can share Alias data about the users who enter your rooms. You may change the password in use at any time.

Screen cap showing password generation:


Past Version:
Pulse Protection by Pri v1.0 (9th of October 2011)
(31.51 KiB) Downloaded 719 times
Pulse Protection by Pri v0.9.1a (26th of April 2011)
(33.79 KiB) Downloaded 742 times
Pulse Protection by Pri v0.9a (25th of April 2011)
(32.84 KiB) Downloaded 702 times
Pulse Protection by Pri v0.8a (2nd of April 2011)
(23.74 KiB) Downloaded 735 times
Pulse Protection by Pri v0.7a (23rd of Jan 2011)
(12.42 KiB) Downloaded 736 times
Pulse Protection by Pri v0.6a (26th of June 2010)
(11.74 KiB) Downloaded 746 times
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Re: Pulse Protection by Pri

Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:24 pm

:oops: never thank you for this program,thanks. :lol:
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Re: Pulse Protection by Pri

Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:08 pm

I'm trying out yer script but am having no luck
I'm using WCS
my bot is Metis 2.8b1m4
ive put Pulse.Protection.by.Pri.xml in plugins
<include file="Pulse.Protection.by.Pri.xml"/>
to MXC
but all that gets displayed when some1 enters my room is

[OpMsg] <Timer> Pulse Protection (v0.7a): Also known as: ,

nothing after as: ,
any advise please
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Re: Pulse Protection by Pri

Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:39 pm

Thankyou VERY MUCH for helping :)
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Re: Pulse Protection by Pri

Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:43 pm

You're welcome, glad I could help :)

To those wondering what the issue was: Update your Metis to the latest one from the top of this page (just the metis.r2x file from the top of this page is needed) and make sure your bot is logged in with a high enough access to see the IP's of users who enter your room.

If any of that doesn't work, come see me in the Renegades room on WinMX and I'll be happy to work on the issue 1-on-1 with you in your room until its solved.
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Re: Pulse Protection by Pri

Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:50 pm

Brand new Pulse Protection has been released today. I'm really happy with the new release I spent a few days working and testing it. I'd like to thank Rty for giving me access to his server for quicker testing. His testing was invaluable.

The changes in this version are as follows:

1. The script now detects if it doesn't have a high enough access level to view IP Addresses and tells the Admins.

2. The Pulse server can now report the Country and City/Town of users to the Admins

3. A new command called !Pulserooms allows Admins to see a list of all the other rooms that have submitted or accessed data using their Pulse Password.

I just want to clarify how number 2 and number 3 functions as obviously these are important new features.

For the Country/City reporting it works very simply, when your version of Pulse sends my server a users IP Address my pulse server performs a simple Lookup on the IP to find out where it is. This is not 100% accurate so do not rely on it to heavily but in most cases the country will be 99.9% correct and the City/Town will be right about 50% of the time, if the city/town is inaccurate usually its within a few miles of the actual IP's use. I do not store the location of any IP's on my server. They are not saved anywhere, not even in a temporary cache. (They are cached now, temporarily, please view post below as to why)

The !Pulserooms command is another new feature which I've added because a lot of users requested it. It's all well and good passing your Pulse password out to your friends and other hosters but you don't really know whose using it. Simply typing this command in the room will display all the rooms linked to your password. The list of rooms is shown in opmsg only.

The way the !Pulserooms thing works is very basic. In the new version of Pulse alongside Username+IP data the program now also sends the room name of where Pulse is being used. If you modify the Pulse source (which you are free to do) to remove the room reporting then my Pulse server will just substitute your Room Name with your IP Address that you are hosting with. This is so that other people sharing the same Password as you can see where that Password is being used. Anyone who doesn't update to the latest Pulse version will have their IP displayed when other hosts using the same Pulse Password type !Pulserooms as a result. Please update before the 8th of April as that is when I will be activating the listing of old-pulse rooms on the !Pulserooms command.

And like Name+IP data of users the listing of rooms that are using a specific password is also digitally signed with the Password you are using which means no one but you and the rooms that share the same password as you can access that data.

I hope everyone likes the new Pulse. Some more new features will be coming in v0.9a but there is no need to keep checking the site for it as the current script will announce its availability to you upon release. Happy MX'ing
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Re: Pulse Protection by Pri

Mon Apr 11, 2011 1:23 pm

Just thought I'd update this to say that now when you do !Pulserooms you may see some entries that list an IP Address instead of the room name. This is due to the user sharing your password still using an old version of Pulse Protection. If you get them to update to a newer version of Pulse Protection their room name will appear on the list.

I waited a while to turn this feature on as I wanted everyone to have enough time to update to the latest Pulse. There are still a few people using the old version but if they haven't updated by now they probably never will so we will leave them behind on the old version. But don't worry the old version will continue to work fine it just lacks the new features.
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Re: Pulse Protection by Pri

Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:31 am

Okay just an update to the previous posts. In the above posts I said I would not cache the locations of IP's - This has now changed. It would appear that the sheer volume of users that enter rooms has resulted in my Geolocation access being severely throttled. I have added caching of the Locations of IP's to try and get back to full speed. Hopefully this is only a temporary solution - I think in the next version of Pulse I will include Local caching of the Locations instead of server based.

I am sorry about this I understand the security concerns people have with keeping data in the cloud and I share those concerns and I felt it necessary to be upfront about this. The change was made affective a couple of minutes before this post was made.

If you don't want to use Geolocation you can still turn it off in the script and my server will not look up the locations of the addresses you send it.
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Re: Pulse Protection by Pri

Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:43 pm

New update today. The new version includes the display of room names that are being hosted by the users who enter your room. This has been a long requested feature after people found out that I've had that feature in Renegades for a few years now. I decided it would benefit the community so now everyone can have this feature :)

I've also fixed a few bugs and included a check for older versions of Metis which can cause issues when running these newer scripts which make use of the Readweb operator that older versions of Metis lack.

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Re: Pulse Protection by Pri

Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:13 am

5 years without an update. Time to change that.

Yesterday I changed the Geolocation API that Pulse uses to use a much better one from ipinfo.io (thank you Josh for mentioning this API to me!) this will result in more accurate geolocation data when you use that feature.

Also since I added that I did introduce a small bug which is why for the past 12 hours any lookups performed were answered with "Only known as: <Current Username>" I apologize for this issue, I have already corrected the bug.

These changes do not require you to re-download Pulse Protection as they are server-side API changes. I'd also like to re-iterate my commitment to providing Pulse Protection to you and maintaining its functionality for the foreseeable future. I'm aware many of you rely on its functionality (in-fact it surprised me when I looked at just how many different rooms are using it).

I hope you keep enjoying the software.

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