what happened to this server

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what happened to this server

Sun Jan 20, 2019 4:56 am

what happened to this server, where is everyone. Please dont tell me no one plays any more this is my favorite server. if the server is dead can someone tell me because i dont want to keep getting on to see if people dont play any more
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Re: what happened to this server

Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:50 am

We are busy doing other things, just like you are.
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Re: what happened to this server

Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:16 pm

I'm still playing. . . Well, I've come back after a sort of hiatus. :D
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Re: what happened to this server

Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:16 pm

Definitely don't want this server to die. Legit the best server I've been on.
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Re: what happened to this server

Sat Jan 26, 2019 12:34 pm

I don't have any plans to shut it.
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Re: what happened to this server

Wed Mar 06, 2019 4:52 pm

I still play, but don't check my /res. :D
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Re: what happened to this server

Wed May 22, 2019 10:36 pm

Pri wrote:
Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:50 am
We are busy doing other things, just like you are.
Haah. Reading this and logging into the server from my office job now.

I re-read my step-down letter just now and I'm so happy we shared those times years ago.
RenMX Minecraft Moderator 2011-2013

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Re: what happened to this server

Sun May 26, 2019 6:09 pm

Yeah we had fun :D
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Re: what happened to this server

Wed Jul 17, 2019 2:00 am

Renmx is best server. I get on and play still too and I love it. There's gotta be a way to get the word out to more people!! Because minecraft is still an alive game but our community has shrunk. Thanks to Pri for keeping it running all these years. Since I started in late 2012 :)
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Re: what happened to this server

Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:37 pm

This server got me through a lot and despite it dying in the water I'm thankful for every minute I spent on it. Moving every 2 years was awful but there was always someone online to cheer me up. Politics in old school dry falls, a cringe MC girlfriend in 8th grade, 3 MC name changes and quitting and rejoining several times. Having a town and being a part of it all while the mods and Pri were interactive and friendly was the best time I've ever had playing a game. My crappy laptop quit on me 2 months ago and I didn't realize how much I would miss the ability to hop on and work on something for a few hours. In a few days my new crappy desktop will get here and I will happily hop onto the server and look at all the amazing things people built and my own less amazing builds and maybe I'll finally build something to up my rank. I hope the server is revived someday and I get to be a part of it and personally I will have friends on whenever I can. RIP dry falls and the great nations and may a new era begin soon.
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