Planetside 2 (what the hell is ps2?)

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Planetside 2 (what the hell is ps2?)

Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:41 pm

Station name: Tygaseras
Ingame name: XBattousai
Server Name: Cobalt
Faction group: Terran Republic (The Red Faction)

Hey everyone!

As i found out recently some of you are interested in some planetside 2 on the side.
And hopefully more people who read this :).
I don`t really have experience with guides but i`ll do my best!

About planetside 2, and the things you need to know about it, and watch out for.

You could say Planetside 2 (PS2) is kind off a futuristic battlefield 3 on some serious steroids and energy drinks.
If you ever played any of the battlefield series and ever thought " Why does my team only have 2 tanks, 1 chopper, and 2 aircraft i want moarrr!", then ps2 is the answer to your bloodthirsty missile shooting rage.
In fact when all the 3 factions come together at one point for a map point domination,
its possible that you get a scenario of 1000 vs 1000 vs 1000, this is a extreme example ofcourse, but it shows what is possible in this game.

Now to get to the point,
I played this game with allot of different people, and for my personal experience, ps2 can be really confusing at first.
Now what handy to know is, that ps2, has 3 continents on 1 server, what that means is, on the server you play, there`s 3 huge maps, where there is a war going on 24/7.
Once you enter ps2, you start at a warpgate base, this is the main base of the continent you`re currently on.
At a warpgate you can change your class,change continent, spawn tanks,buggies,quads,fighters,gunships, etc.
This also can be done at outposts that your faction controls.
Now there is alot more to it, but to explain all that would be huge guide!

Another thing you really should know!
Dont start to play this game with a mentality "I`m gonna so run around this place killing everyone, and looking good while i do it!"
Remember i told you those huge fights that can occur, 1000+ soldiers duking it out on a small fraction of the continent.
Now imagine that every single one of those soldiers, has the ability to spawn, MAXes (armored infantry killing robot), Tanks, airplanes, and everything else.
Ofcourse there is a cooldown on spawning vehicles, but if a big group of players follow commands and spawn at the same time, BAM! screen full of tanks.
And nothing is more satisfying then riding in a huge platoon of tanks, and explosions all around you like there filming the expendables 3 at the site.

Another nice thing to know is the free to play system.
Now we all know most f2p games have that hidden pay to win into it.
ps2 however is not one of those games.
In f2p you have what they call Certifications, you earn Certifications by
-Shooting people in the face (actually gives more!)
-Shooting people in the spleen (no bonus just popped into my head)
-Destroying enemy armor
-Destroying enemy aircrafts
-Destroying.....well you get the point
-Healing/reviving teammates
-Repairing Tanks, Maxes, airplanes etc
-Dropping ammo boxes for other players to resupply to
Your typical battlefield genre type reward system in short.
Certs can be used to purchase new weaponry and upgrades.
The only thing you can`t buy with certs are Cosmetic stuff like, Skin camouflage, Skins for your tank, Spoilers for your truck (Sunderer), for that you need station cash which brings me to...!

Station cash,
Station cash can only be acquired by spending real dough.
Now at first i taught.....oh man pay to win here we go.
But its not all that flashy, the only thing station cash unlocks, is new weapons, for infantry, tanks, airplanes etc.
Now don`t get me wrong a new weapon is nothing to sneeze at, but a good weapon needs a little upgrades, like Thermal vision, more ammo. which can only be acquired with Certification points.
To be honest the thing that is in most dire need of upgrading is the vehicles,airplanes
The light tanks standard gun just sucks for example.
Infantry however, starts with good solid rifles!
I`m still using my default guns on most classes because they are just great!
I tried some other guns on VR training where you can test everything for free, and it seems like a waste to spend certs or station cash on.
Submachine guns however are debatable to get in CQC (Close Quarters Combat),and not to forget shotguns.

It is ofcourse debatable that paying will give you better weapons faster, but thats mostly 90% for vehicles.

Cool things about PS2 classes in a nutshell

-All classes can use carbines,shotguns,smg`s,pistols, and last but not least C4!

-infiltrators (sniper class of the game or CQC if you give him a smg or shotgun)
*Has the ability to cloak, WHAATT!?!? yeah thats right xD, they can shoot you then go predator relocate and shoot again.
They are however not 100% invisible, so if you see a predator like blur dancing in front of you and doing a little dance, Shoot him in his blurry face!
Since the recent update you can now put a darklight under your gun to reveal them at close proximity.
-can use C4, Yep a class that can go invisible and use C4 at the same time, very scary!
-Can shoot detection...ehh...thingies, reveals all enemys close to the device for you and your squad.

-Light assault
*Has jetpacks! Hell yeah, walls obstacles mountains, no problem.
*Can use C4, Yup jetpacks and c4, versus a tank? no brainer....but he probaly has 6 other tank buddies who don`t like you blowing up one of there friends, but at least you got him :)

*Combat medic
-It shoots, It heals, It revives, even after severe gunshots, explosions, headshots, Roadkills
-Can use C4
-Area of effect heal with a cooldown
-Great for farming certs! People are always getting shot in the face, grant them resurrection

-Also shoots, but can deploy a anti infantry or anti vehicle (needs unlock) gun.
-Repairs everything mechanical, Great for farming certs if you`re together with a tank buddy or something similar.
-Resupplies Infantry and MAXes, Also a nice addition for some cert income
-Another awesome class to farm certs while in a huge zerg attack
-Can use C4
-Can unlock anti personnel and anti tank mines.

*Heavy Assault
-Most player friendly class
-Uses LMG with alot of ammo
-Comes with a standard dumbfire anti tank missile launcher.
-Has alot of cool unlocks, like my personal favorite, Chaingun! and a 5 rocket firing anti vehicle and aircraft launcher
-Special ability: Generates a shield that absorbs damage until a certain limit
-Simply said your all around killing machine with the advantage of shield in infantry fights
-Can use C4

Well i think that about covers a very very short "to the point" beginners guide.
And my final word, this game is fun! but it shines with a group of people you know, and hopefully have a sense of humor, and don`t mind getting shot alot.
Also a mic is really recommended, since you dont have time to type while being at the frontline.
Think of the different tactics you can use, People in fighters gunships helping tanks on the ground spotting targets and destroying possible threats.
Or just some crazy fun like, putting C4 on quads then driving them into tanks while screaming yippie ka yay motherhumper!

If you`re interested or want to know anything about it, let me know.
Have a nice day everyone!
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Master Crafter
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Re: Planetside 2 (what the hell is ps2?)

Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:43 pm

Daaaammn too long hahaha!! (^_^)

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