timothypham app for Apprentice

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timothypham app for Apprentice

Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:28 am

I'm applying for: Apprentice

Project Name:Mystical City

How do we get there?: /warp mysticalcity

Brief Description:A city under a volcano, the inhabitants have long left the city and as an amateur architect I've slowly uncovered parts of the city. I'm looking to get apprentice architect to uncover more and hopefully one day earn architect.

Screenshots: (Optional, don't over-do it, no editing.)

Anything we might miss when we see it in game?: There's a hidden entrance underneath the volcano for the religious leaders that were required to take a leap of faith to enter and then from there they would enter the "sun" to preach to the inhabitant.

There are also "puzzles" to gain access to the rest of the building. The easiest way would be to just describe the way in:
When you first descend down into the entrance hall you'll notice a smaller adjacent room. In the room you'll notice a redstone torch in one of the corner. This small room is a representation of the entrance room. You place a redstone torch into the bottom right corner of the room opening the secret door.

Once you walk down the hall you'll walk into the "sun room" here you'll see four blocks in the middle, you're suppose to take cue of what was outside and place redstone torches around the block. Though technically you'll need only place two redstone torches on the inside of the formation near the hall. This will open a door on the right. Inside you'll see redstone torches placed on the on the outside square. This is the "clue" for you to go back out and place the torches on the outside of the block. Once you place it on the outside of the block a new door will open to your left. Go into the room and you'll see a diamond block on the floor; placing a redstone torch will start the opening procedure. You can either leave the torch there and leave the door open, or you can pull it off and run through the door.

Follow the steps down and you'll see the main sanctuary and three doors blocked off by a gate. At the center you'll see the "sun" shining light down onto the past inhabitants.

Side note: The gate that has the redstone torches leads to the lower city, directly opposite will be the upper city, and down the center will be the City for Nobles and where the palace will resides.
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Re: timothypham app for Apprentice

Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:15 am

To help with this application, I have made a video on how to complete the first two parts, I found following the instructions a little hard, and other may too :) I plan to continue it once the project expands with more puzzles.


Last edited by tomisafish on Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Embedded Youtube Link Properly
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Re: timothypham app for Apprentice

Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:21 am

Timothypham Apprentice Application Rating

Uniqueness on our server: Does it look like something already built?

1 = Not unique, 10 = Very very unique.

Well, its underground and includes quite a few things I have seen before but there are also quite a few elements I haven't see that you did quite well.

Beauty: Does it look nice to look at?
1 = Ugly, 10 = Really really beautiful.

Now, while on a whole this isn't the most pleasing thing to look at (not so keen on the excessive use of gold and diamond), there are some parts that are actually very impressive. The main sanctuary room actually made me stop and think "wow, this looks really good". You have used the fog to your advantage and created an eerie yet beautiful room. While you are still quite a way from Architect you are definitely getting there.

Execution: Is it well made, are corridors and rooms built to the correct sizing?
1 = Built by Refugees. 10 = Built by Master Craftsmen.

This area was the main reason for losing marks. As you enter the doors from the entrance room of off to one side which makes the whole place look a bit lop-sided.

While most of your redstone and puzzle work works really well the initial piston doors seemed to fail when I placed a redstone torch.

On thing I do commend you on though is lighting.

Scale: The larger and more grand the build is the higher it scores.
1 = Golf-Ball Size Settlement, 10 = Entire City

Well, the place is definitely not a small little bunker but you still have some ways to go to get a high score for this so again I give you:

Total Score: 20
Congratulations. You have earned Apprentice.

Keep up the good work and keep experimenting with different ideas. Google and Youtube are an endless supply of inspiration if you ever find yourself unsure of what else to include.

Great video ShoutSiD! :D
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Re: timothypham app for Apprentice

Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:49 am

Last edited by shoutsid on Sat Jan 09, 2021 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: timothypham app for Apprentice

Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:17 pm

Woot!! Apprentice!! ^_^ and thanks for the feedback will definitely continue to work on this. And sid what part of the wall are you talking about?

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