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Radium Rank app

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:20 am
by Alchemikal
The Rank I'm applying for is: Architect (or higher)
My Game Name is:_Radium
My Project is called:Siege of Paratus
To get to my project:x-19329 y66 z9240
A brief description of my project:My build is the largest I've ever done, so I've divided it into sectors.
A-Enemy Fleet
B-Peninsular Battery
C-Town of Paratus
D-Paratus Shipyard
E-Fort Carpates
F-Hermit's Hut
G- Outskirt Village
H- Ruined Church
I-Carpates Bridge
Three mandatory screenshots:

Re: Radium Rank app

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 9:00 pm
by TheLenore
I looked trough your screenshots and visited the build in-game (take better screenshots, they don't do this build justice!)

Uniqueness: 7/10
Beauty: 6/10
Execution: 7/10
Scale: 10/10

This in total is 30 points, which is enough for Architect.

I'll be honest here, this build has a lot of potential, but it's really unfinished. I love that you're building in a desert, not a lot of people do this, and I like that you chose the Eastern style (you told me in chat it was set during WW1 which is also different, but I would like to see more signs of that, cannons and boats could use a bit more work).
Scale is incredible, but different areas don't look very connected, it almost looks like chunks of different builds. I really love the building style (renovating a desert temple is very nice idea too) but you might want to consider using some different blocks - add a little bit of color to get those Beauty points up (would also recommend finishing the builds (both exterior and interior) and adding some roads or whatever to connect the different areas).
Work on it a bit more and I'm sure you could get it to Master Crafter level in no time :)

Re: Radium Rank app

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 9:06 pm
by Pri
I've looked the build over in-game and I agree with Lenore. Congratulations on Architect.