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Yes I tried to steal and I am sorry for that.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 12:21 am
by Volix0303
So I have been on the server for a few days now, I play with Gregbobjr, Starwaffle and MightyMorphine. I made a castle and a village, and I really do enjoy it, but I have to say, whether I was aware or unaware of unclaimed areas being able to have things stolen, it still breaks the rules, and, If I see an emerald block and try to see if it can be stolen, or if I take it or put it back after, it still is against the rules, and I regret breaking the rules, the ones I should have followed in the first place. Otherwise I would not have gotten the consequences, so yes, you have caught another one, and I sincerely apologize for stealing, this is my first time, and I hope you can bring me back as soon as possible.

Sincerely, Volix0303