Skype group chat

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Skype group chat

Tue May 31, 2016 3:27 am

As you guys are aware there is an unofficial Skype group. Many of you are involved in the group and it's good that you've all created a community together to chat and stay present with each other.

But over the past several months I have had a few reports of people involved and not involved with the group being victims of harassment and having things said about them in the group that isn't very nice.

We do not moderate the Skype group because it's unofficial. I have no desire to create an official group, the IRC chat we have is integrated with the game and I feel that's more than adequate.

But I do want to say something, what you say in the Skype group about people and to people in the group will get out. It is not Vegas, what you say and do there does not stay there. So you need to be mindful of that. Being nice, not talking negatively about others is easy to do, so check yourself, have a filter and respect each other.

I don't want to revisit this issue in the future, nor do I want to banish people from our community that become involved in an unofficial chat group. So remember, just because we're not actively moderating it doesn't mean you have impunity to say whatever you like, there are real consequences just like if you send a harassing PM through our forum or in-game or create a hate group around an individual you don't like.

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Re: Skype group chat

Tue May 31, 2016 4:53 am you can join this chat to come to the NEW Skype chat that Is going to be watched by me and Gray and any mod that would like to. Rules will be placed above this topic

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