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Player Spotlight: joethebro46

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:51 am
by freakboy31
Featured player this October...




Today we featured joethebro46, don't mistaken him for G.I. Joe! An underrated city planner of medieval fortress of TACO.

Who am you? And when did you join Renmx?
I am joethebro46, I like architecture and building. I joined Renmx January 16th 2015.

What do you enjoy the most in our server?
I love this server for the community and the plugins allowing me to build bigger and better!


What types of creations do you like to create?
I am mostly an Medieval builder, i do some modern not much. I create cities and i am fairly good at detailing.

How do you plan before you create?
i build i plan out where it will go, and sometimes draw a plan out. I usually go by my mind of how i want it to look.


Do you have any tips for us to craft better creations?
For new builders i recommend using different style(In pictures) and detailing by using signs, buttons, stairs and slabs, cobblestone walls, and other cool things. Also try switching up resources, wether it be spruce wood, dark oak, etc. And to keep it looking natural and like it would in real life. Also add a overhang to the roof(In pictures)

Any projects we look forward to?
I can look forward to me expanding my city by a lot over time and i will maybe make a Modern build :D. Hopefully i will be able to expand fast for all to see.


If you're going to implement a feature for RenMX, what would it be?
I were to implement a feature i think it would being able to sit in all sorts of different chairs. Stairs, slabs, anything that would be good for a seat.

What's your feedback about our community?
The community is great, friendly, and supportive. The admins are usually active all the time which is nice. And no one usually bullies or is racist.

=====You can get to my Medieval build----> /town spawn TACO
=====Here is some of my work!!!==========There is more to my Build!!!======
(My build is unfinished)