Bio's Bucket

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Bio's Bucket

Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:02 am

This story was written live on RenMX IRC'S

Bio's Bucket (Language/Drug References)

Some events were based on true stories.

This is mostly fiction! Bio,Pri, and Steph should never be offended in any way by this story

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio wakes up in his house

<TheMinecraftzx>: sun shining into his eyes

<TheMinecraftzx>: he goes to the kitchen

<TheMinecraftzx>: grabs a cup

<TheMinecraftzx>: gets his favourite coffee "CoffeeCraft"

<TheMinecraftzx>: puts 2 teaspoons

<TheMinecraftzx>: pours the hot water

<TheMinecraftzx>: and give's it to stephanie

<TheMinecraftzx>: for him self he made some sweet tea

<TheMinecraftzx>: they both sit down on a glass table

<TheMinecraftzx>: by the glass table

<TheMinecraftzx>: drinking their beverages

<TheMinecraftzx>: stephanie reading newest RenMX news

<TheMinecraftzx>: bio enjoying the view outside with his tea

<TheMinecraftzx>: stephanie got up

<TheMinecraftzx>: and wanted another cup of coffee

<TheMinecraftzx>: she realizes that they're out of milk

<TheMinecraftzx>: the bucket is empty

<TheMinecraftzx>: she politely asks bio to get some milk

<TheMinecraftzx>: bio with a happy face grabs the bucket and kisses her on the cheek

<TheMinecraftzx>: "See you later"

<TheMinecraftzx>: he opens the door

<TheMinecraftzx>: stephanie followed him outside

<TheMinecraftzx>: and said

<TheMinecraftzx>: "See you soon, see you soon"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio walks along the Pandorian BLVD

<TheMinecraftzx>: to the Plains

<TheMinecraftzx>: to get milk

<TheMinecraftzx>: he looks back

<TheMinecraftzx>: and see's stephanie wave back at him in the horizon

<TheMinecraftzx>: waving*

<TheMinecraftzx>: he finally arrived to the "Simple Plains"

<TheMinecraftzx>: he couldn't find any cows

<TheMinecraftzx>: he proceeded to go to the "Crossover Plains"

<TheMinecraftzx>: still couldn't find any cows there

<TheMinecraftzx>: it's getting dark

<TheMinecraftzx>: he knows he's far from home

<TheMinecraftzx>: he see's the sun in the horizon go down

<TheMinecraftzx>: the beautiful orange atmosphere Sorrounds him

<TheMinecraftzx>: surrounds*

<TheMinecraftzx>: the sun finally is no longer visible

<TheMinecraftzx>: its dark

<TheMinecraftzx>: bio pull's out the torch

<TheMinecraftzx>: and sees another sign pointing to the 3rd plains "Plain Plains"

<TheMinecraftzx>: lots of dangerous activities happen at PLain Plains

<TheMinecraftzx>: bio risked to go there just for stephanie

<TheMinecraftzx>: he walks around the corner

<TheMinecraftzx>: seeing sarah and kody trading drugs

<TheMinecraftzx>: when he arrived to the Plain PLains

<TheMinecraftzx>: he found a cow

<TheMinecraftzx>: 1 COW

<TheMinecraftzx>: he knows that, that cow is important to him

<TheMinecraftzx>: 15 minutes later he got a full bucket of milk

<TheMinecraftzx>: on the handle of the bucket there is a carving "To Bio"

<TheMinecraftzx>: the myth suggests its from his relatives

<TheMinecraftzx>: no one know's who

<TheMinecraftzx>: that bucket was important to him

<TheMinecraftzx>: he started walking back

<TheMinecraftzx>: and he sees some gang members wandering arround the place

<TheMinecraftzx>: He recognized a few

<TheMinecraftzx>: he knew they would never mess with him

<TheMinecraftzx>: because he had all respect with them

<TheMinecraftzx>: he still does

<TheMinecraftzx>: then when he left the Plain Plains

<TheMinecraftzx>: he sees another group

<TheMinecraftzx>: he doesnt recognize any of them

<TheMinecraftzx>: he decided to hide by the tree

<TheMinecraftzx>: behind him there was a big ravine

<TheMinecraftzx>: shining yellow light

<TheMinecraftzx>: lava bubbling

<TheMinecraftzx>: bloomy light reflects off bio's bucket

<TheMinecraftzx>: which then attracted the group to him

<TheMinecraftzx>: GM "What hiding here something?"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio "No get away" he says while stepping back slowly

<TheMinecraftzx>: GM "You know that we wont let you go"

<TheMinecraftzx>: bio stares at him with silence

<TheMinecraftzx>: holding the bucket with more pressure

<TheMinecraftzx>: GM "What now?"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Gm "Scared?"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio "Get out i only have milk" bio

<TheMinecraftzx>: says

<TheMinecraftzx>: "Its for my wife" he says

<TheMinecraftzx>: The whole group starts laughing

<TheMinecraftzx>: teasing him

<TheMinecraftzx>: bio's heart rate rises

<TheMinecraftzx>: his skin reflects more light

<TheMinecraftzx>: Gm "You will have to pay us"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio with an angry voice: "Why is that? I dont have to pay you shit!"

<TheMinecraftzx>: GM grabs him by the neck and says "Do you really want know?:

<TheMinecraftzx>: "Your house, how's your wife?"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio pushes him back and runs with his bucket

<TheMinecraftzx>: one of the gang members started taking out his Glock

<TheMinecraftzx>: he started aiming at bio

<TheMinecraftzx>: bio was fast enough to hide behind a corner

<TheMinecraftzx>: bio runs to his house

<TheMinecraftzx>: he see's the door open

<TheMinecraftzx>: he walks in with caution

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio "STEPHANIE?" with a loud voice

<TheMinecraftzx>: he looked everywhere

<TheMinecraftzx>: only thing he found was a note

<TheMinecraftzx>: a ransom note

<TheMinecraftzx>: trade the bucket for stephanie

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio's bucket was known to be hand made by a master with diamonds and platinum

<TheMinecraftzx>: with a copper bottom to keep the milk colder

<TheMinecraftzx>: diamond sides

<TheMinecraftzx>: platinum handle

<TheMinecraftzx>: bio would give anything for stephanie

<TheMinecraftzx>: including the bucket

<TheMinecraftzx>: the bucket he swore not to ever lose it

<TheMinecraftzx>: he follows the address on the ransom note

<TheMinecraftzx>: leads him to the same place where he was caught

<TheMinecraftzx>: the same ravine

<TheMinecraftzx>: still glowing with yellow bloomy light

<TheMinecraftzx>: one of the gang members pointing at stephanies cage

<TheMinecraftzx>: where she's locked in

<TheMinecraftzx>: just for an expensive bucket

<TheMinecraftzx>: bio was ready to go there

<TheMinecraftzx>: the thing no one noticed

<TheMinecraftzx>: is the Desert Eagle in his pocket

<TheMinecraftzx>: his jacket was too big for him

<TheMinecraftzx>: so were the pockets

<TheMinecraftzx>: he's standing in the middle of the place where he has never been before to

<TheMinecraftzx>: with gang members he never saw

<TheMinecraftzx>: with his wife above the ravine

<TheMinecraftzx>: filled with lava

<TheMinecraftzx>: over 4000F

<TheMinecraftzx>: you can see that the edges of the ravine have been melted by heat

<TheMinecraftzx>: the main guy from the gang walks up

<TheMinecraftzx>: UGM "Hey Bio"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio "What the fuck, you did this for a bucket?"

<TheMinecraftzx>: UGM "I have a nickname sir, call me monkey"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio "WTF?"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Monkey "You better not say that again, her cage is slowly going down"

<TheMinecraftzx>: GM "Yeah fucker, where is the bucket?"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio full with rage, feels the deagle's weight on his hip

<TheMinecraftzx>: Stph "Bio give em the bucket NOW!"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio turns around and sees her face with tears

<TheMinecraftzx>: NOW! she yells

<TheMinecraftzx>: NOW!

<TheMinecraftzx>: bio takes the gun out and points at "Monkey"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio "Release her now!

<TheMinecraftzx>: Monkey "You know it takes you to press one button to kill me, and there is only one of you...."

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio "What are you talking about" firmly holding the bucket

<TheMinecraftzx>: Monkey "I have people working for me, they can press one button and she's dead friend"

<TheMinecraftzx>: "you dont want that do you?"

<TheMinecraftzx>: "give me the gun"

<TheMinecraftzx>: "NOW!"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio throws the gun in lava

<TheMinecraftzx>: Monkey "Nice work friend, a $900 is now melted"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio keeps starring at stephanies face full of tears

<TheMinecraftzx>: she's shaking

<TheMinecraftzx>: Monkey "What Bio? Want her back? Dont you?"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio finally see's the controll panel

<TheMinecraftzx>: Monkey "What Bio? If you wont give us the bucket both of you die!!!"

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio quickly throws the bucket behind him

<TheMinecraftzx>: every member rushes to save from falling into lava

<TheMinecraftzx>: pushing each other off the ledge

<TheMinecraftzx>: into lava

<TheMinecraftzx>: bio quickly runs to the panel and presses up

<TheMinecraftzx>: stephanie's cage goes up and she finally gets to the platform

<TheMinecraftzx>: stephanie escapes

<TheMinecraftzx>: bio realizes it became too quite

<TheMinecraftzx>: the gang members strangle him and throw him off the control panel

<TheMinecraftzx>: hi hits his head on the ground barely conscious

<TheMinecraftzx>: he stands up

<TheMinecraftzx>: he start's backing up

<TheMinecraftzx>: but the members are faster than him

<TheMinecraftzx>: hi finally feel's the heat hitting his back

<TheMinecraftzx>: through his jacket

<TheMinecraftzx>: Stephanie watching him from the top crying

<TheMinecraftzx>: Bio screams " I LOVE YOU!!"


<TheMinecraftzx>: he gets shot in the knee

<TheMinecraftzx>: making him fall into the raving

<TheMinecraftzx>: he died before hitting lava

<TheMinecraftzx>: by hitting his head on a stone while falling

<TheMinecraftzx>: stephanie suicided after she came back home from the tradegy

<TheMinecraftzx>: The Case was closed

<TheMinecraftzx>: nothing was mentioned about the gan

<TheMinecraftzx>: nothing about bio

<TheMinecraftzx>: The END!

Amazing :) - Bio
Our whole building is QQing - NY Times
The story was rich, including the stuff that are far from the story like sarah buying drugs - US Government
2.7 Billion is our last deal for this hit! - Microsoft
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Re: Bio's Bucket

Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:22 am

Bravo, Bravo. The things i read on the internet.
Put another X on the calendar, summers on its deathbed. There is simply nothing worse than knowing how it ends.

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