Wavparty passed away

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Wavparty passed away

Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:25 pm

As many of you know by now Wavparty who was a user of our room passed away recently. I was on holiday at the time and I came back to the most unfortunate news.

It took a while to sink in really. It was and still is hard to believe that he is gone. I feel sad about it and also really angry it isn't fair that he was taken from us so soon.

I dunno how many of you knew just how close me and Wav really were. We spoke almost every day on MSN and we often spoke for hours about all kinds of things. I was an Administrator in his room and he was incredibly supportive of everything I did. When people put me and the software I released down he was there giving me support and standing up for me when I wasn't around. He gave me great feedback on everything I released. Now that he is gone I'm finding it hard to even think about the future plans I had software wise.

I intended when I came back to expand the Pulse thing I'd written and make a WinMX database system for other developers which he would have been a big part of helping me to shape. And many of the things I thought about I wanted to do were with him and his room in mind. I wanted to do so much for him to give back for the things he had done for me and now I feel like I've lost something, someone so special. I just feel empty about his death I wish I could have said good bye properly it's not like he was sick for a long time and I had a chance to say goodbye he was happy and healthy when I left and I come back and his just gone.

I really don't know what I'm going to do, I've never felt grief like this over someone dying who I knew only on the internet before. Me and him were really close and the trust between us was huge. It was a special relationship which I held in high regard. Hard to quantify the grief I'm feeling right now, I'm still coming off the high from my holiday and engagement and then this and I'm just conflicted and angry.

I wrote a smaller message on the WinMXWorld forum to say goodbye as I felt putting all what I felt there where everyone was leaving there things wasn't appropriate, I just write this here now because it is helping me to get it out. I still can't believe he is really gone.

Feel free to say anything you want here I don't mind. The WinMXWorld forum where everyone is leaving their messages can be found here: http://forum.winmxworld.com/index.php/t ... 248.0.html

I urge those of you that knew him to post in the WinMXWorld forum where his family and friends can see just how much he meant to all of us.
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Re: Wavparty passed away

Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:04 pm

I now sit here Pri feeling in 2 minds and hope I was compassionate in how I broke the news to you yesterday )))hugs(((

I too spoke to wav most days as we were Facebook friends and used to hang out there playing the games.
I personally don't wish to post on the winmx site as I feel some of the things being posted are too open forum and wished to protect, respect and be mindful of his partner, family and friends in reposting some of the personal / private information I felt that he entrusted in me by adding to fb.

I chose to celebrate his passing in the flamboyant manner in which he lived his life : ) I imagine him frolicking naked bringing happiness and laughter whereever his is and thus in turn bring a smile to me in memory of how positive and delightful the path in which we crossed was : )

NB I have posted on his fb account my condolences to his partner and family

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