Unban Me Please

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Unban Me Please

Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:20 am

Hello I'm TheAero1221,
Ive been playing mc.renmx.com:4 (aka the tekkit server) for probably two weeks now, and Ive really been enjoying myself. I was very happy to finally find a server that is online 24/7....I go on almost every day. Well, today I go to log on and it says "you have been banned." It does not say what for or how long or anything of the sort. The only things that I can think of that might have gotten me banned are accepting red matter and other types of things from a nice guy named TrueAngel, he said he was giving away free red matter so I figured why not? Red matter was my aspiring goal on the server from the beginning, I cannot think of why this would be a bannable offence. The other thing that might have gotten me banned was taking some stuff from this big house that I found randomly in the wilderness. First of all though, it looked completely abandoned, no machines where running, no projects seemed to be in progress. Second, there was a hole in the side of his house. I didnt break the walls I just flew right through the hole (I have a ring of Arcana). And third, I didnt not realize that what I was doing was not allowed on the server. I have gotten multiple things stolen from me since I started on the server, and I have never had a problem with it. Any items that I stole were from unlocked chests, or appeared unused. I am a loyal player to your server....I have recommended it to two of my friends, and I have worked hard to get most of what I have on the server. Whoever has a greifing complaint may simply ask me and I will pay them back in full for whatever damage I did, please if I have done something wrong, you can count on it never being done again. Please unban me from the server! Thank you so much! :P
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Re: Unban Me Please

Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:08 pm

I'll unban you.
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Re: Unban Me Please

Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:43 pm

Thank you so much!
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Re: Unban Me Please

Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:11 am

WHAT THE HECK!!!! I logged back on to the server after being unbanned for like 5 seconds....after those 5 seconds I was banned AGAIN! This time it says "greifing rhysp09. appeal at mxpulse.com/board. (-590, -4490). WTF I didnt even DO anything! Please unban me again! I already filed a ban appeal and I was unbanned!
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Re: Unban Me Please

Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:16 am

Obbi Has obviously banned you again. Unless Alex is pulling his make-people-think-its-obbi trick
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Re: Unban Me Please

Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:45 am

As was said in the ban reason, you got banned for griefing rhysp09. Now I guess this was before I unbanned you. So I´ll unban you again. Now I don't want to see any griefing from you anymore.
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Re: Unban Me Please

Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:10 pm

Gmoddude wrote:Obbi Has obviously banned you again. Unless Alex is pulling his make-people-think-its-obbi trick
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