Dynamic Room Adder by Pri

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Dynamic Room Adder by Pri

Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:29 am

Dynamic Room Adder by Pri v1.1 (31st March 2013)
(16.27 KiB) Downloaded 599 times

Like this script? Check out some of my other awesome scripts!

New Feature in v1.0
  • Automatic self-updating
    To use this new feature all you need is to download wget from here simply unpack the wget folder and place it in to your plugins folder with the rest of your scripts. This script and all future scripts from me will then use wget to automatically update themselves. If you don't want to use this feature you can simply choose not to install wget and the script will still notify you of new versions how it always has in the past.
  • You may host this script as is.
  • You may alter the script however you want, but if you propagate your modified version I'd like you to share it publicly :) - If you don't that's cool too.
Setup Difficulty: Easy
  • You must place the file in your Metis Plugins folder & edit your mxc.xml to add the line <include file="Dynamic.Room.Adder.by.Pri.xml"/>
  • Once it's loaded in your bot type !listroom for more instructions
  • Please note this script must be run from the same IP Address as the room is being hosted from
How do I upgrade from an old version?
  • Simply replace the old file with the new one from the top of this post, then restart your bot. Alternatively if you don't want to restart your bot you can enter /mxc load in your bots main chat window, this will make it reload all your plugins without restarting.
Requirements: Features:
  • Can automatically send your current room to the WPN Lister service provided by my good friend Josh
  • Designed for users with Dynamic IP's to keep their rooms listed 24.7
  • Can create its own Folders and Files for storage of its data
  • Can automatically notify you of new versions of the script
  • Supports Ouka, FXServer, WCS, RCS, RSWCS and ZCS out of the box
  • Includes a Usergroup for you to lock the commands to only users you trust
  • !ListRoom - Foribly re-send your room to the WPNLister
  • !SetTopic [Topic] - Set your room topic that will appear on the WPNLister
  • Question: I keep getting this error "unknown operator type readweb will default to +" what does it mean?
  • Answer: It means you have an older version of Metis installed. Please download version 2.82 of Metis from the top of this page.
  • ---
  • Question: I keep getting this message "</b>" what does it mean?
  • Answer: It means you have an older version of Metis installed. Please download version 2.82 of Metis from the top of this page.
  • ---
  • Question: I keep getting this message "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC" what does it mean?
  • Answer: It means you have an older version of Metis installed. Please download version 2.82 of Metis from the top of this page.
Need to Know Stuff:
  • As above it requires version 2.82 of Metis. If you do not use 2.82 (Or a better version than 2.82) Then this script will not work at all.
  • I am happy to offer you 1 to 1 support in your room with this script if you need it, you can find me in the Renegades room on MX
  • 31st of March 2013: Removed the need for staff to type !SetUsers # by automatically detecting the user count of the room
  • 25th of November 2012: This update makes the script function again with the updated WinMXUnlimited room adder API
  • 25th of November 2012: Support for automatic self-updating through the use of wget
  • 25th of November 2012: New interface design to the update notifications for both self-downloads and announcements
  • 26th of May 2012: Added support for all future Metis releases without needing to upgrade the script in the future
  • 9th of December 2011: Removed a lot of code bloat, stopped using whatsmyip.net to get user IP and stopped using winmxunlimited.net for IP to Hash function, both now wrapped in to a single API from my own site written by myself, also reduced the annoying messages that appear whenever it fails to update your room on the winmxunlimited chat list
  • 9th of October 2011: First release v0.1a
Thanks Testers:
  • niko from "Help 4 your PC"
Past Release:
Dynamic Room Adder by Pri v1.0 (25th November 2012)
(17.59 KiB) Downloaded 582 times
Dynamic Room Adder by Pri v0.3 (26th May 2012)
(15.96 KiB) Downloaded 595 times
Dynamic Room Adder by Pri v0.2 (9th December 2011)
(13.81 KiB) Downloaded 573 times
Dynamic Room Adder by Pri v0.1a (9th October 2011)
(24.34 KiB) Downloaded 625 times
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Re: Dynamic Room Adder by Pri

Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:38 am

I just wanted to update this thread with some information about the automatic updating feature I rolled out today with this script.

This is basically a proof of concept update to see if I can deliver a script which can keep itself up to date without the owners of the chat room needing to do anything.

The reason I'm trying to do this is because one of the reasons I don't update my scripts so frequently is that I don't want to nag room owners. Every time I push a new version of one of my scripts they see a notification in their chat room and they have to come to the relevant script page, download the file, place it in the correct folder and then reload or restart their bot. If I was rapidly reiterating on my scripts like I want to these update procedures would become tiresome and room owners would not want to use my software any more.

So by doing these updates automatically I'm hoping to add new features and push out other software that requires frequent updates. It also enables me to more easily test new scripts and raw ideas because my group of test subjects will get the latest versions of things for testing as-well.

Now of course there are some security implications with having scripts that can update themselves. What if for example you do not trust me to always release scripts that have your best interests at heart. You may decide you don't want scripts that can update themselves with code you can't check before it is run by your bot and I fully support that perspective which is why instead of releasing a new Metis (v2.84) with binary download capability I have instead made wget.exe a requirement for this feature. So if you don't want your scripts automatically updating themselves simply don't install wget.exe in to your metis plugins folder and my scripts will not have the capability to update themselves automatically and instead will continue to prompt you (the owner of the bot) to download and update the scripts yourself.

As always my scripts are fully commented and do not use any kind of code obfuscation which means they are easy to read and understand. So if you want to integrate wget and automatic updating in to your own scripts you can merely take a look at my code and learn how to do it very quickly.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy these new developments.

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