Link Saver by Pri

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Link Saver by Pri

Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:41 pm
Link Saver by Pri v0.3 (26th May 2012)
(70.26 KiB) Downloaded 1001 times

Like this script? Check out some of my other awesome scripts!

  • You may host this script as is.
  • You may alter the script however you want, but if you propagate your modified version I'd like you to share it publicly :) - If you don't that's cool too.
  • I reserve the right to deny you access to the Link Saver API that the script uses if you abuse the API (Hacking, Overloading it etc)
Setup Difficulty: Easy
  • You must place the file in your Metis Plugins folder & edit your mxc.xml to add the line <include file=""/>
How do I upgrade from an old version?
  • Simply replace the old file with the new one from the top of this post, then restart your bot. Alternatively if you don't want to restart your bot you can enter /mxc load in your bots main chat window, this will make it reload all your plugins without restarting.
Requirements: Features:
  • Can retrieve shortened urls of all links posted in the room
  • Can retrieve the Title of the webpage posted in the room
  • Makes all links browsable and searchable (Up-to 1.99 Million Link support)
  • Enables Admins to remove any link and undo removals in the event of an accidental deletion!
  • Full customisation of output text, including sophisticated custom formatting (Read more below)
  • Can create its own Folders and Files for storage of previously queried data
  • Can automatically notify you of new versions of the script
  • Enables you to set output of the script to Private (Only those who use command see results)
  • Supports Ouka, FXServer, WCS, RCS, RSWCS and ZCS out of the box
  • Includes a Usergroup for you to lock the commands to only users you trust
  • !Links [#] - Browse previously posted links by pages
  • !FindLink [Query] - Search for specific links
  • !RemoveLink [Query] - Remove a specific link or links by partial match of their URL
  • !UndoRemove - Undo the removal of your previous links
  • !PublicLinks - Set the result output to the entire room
  • !PrivateLinks - Set the result output to only users who perform the query
  • !SetLinkColour [Number] - Set the menu colours to something other than the default Green (#c4#) to better fit your room
  • Question: I keep getting this error "unknown operator type readweb will default to +" what does it mean?
  • Answer: It means you have an older version of Metis installed. Please download version 2.8 of Metis from the top of this page.
  • ---
  • Question: I keep getting this message "</b>" what does it mean?
  • Answer: It means you have an older version of Metis installed. Please download version 2.8 of Metis from the top of this page.
  • ---
  • Question: I keep getting this message "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC" what does it mean?
  • Answer: It means you have an older version of Metis installed. Please download version 2.8 of Metis from the top of this page.
Need to Know Stuff:
  • As above it requires version 2.8 of Metis. If you do not use 2.8 (Or a better version than 2.8) Then this script will not work at all.
  • I am happy to offer you 1 to 1 support in your room with this script if you need it, you can find me in the Renegades room on MX
  • This script creates a powerful customisation file in C:\Pri.Script.Dependences\Link.Saver you can alter lots of things in this file including formats on menus, colours, variable placement and more
  • 26th of May 2012: Added the ability for the room host to set the amount of files that can be deleted in one use of the command. The setting is inside the customisation file.
  • 26th of May 2012: Added support for all future Metis releases without needing to upgrade the script in the future
  • 9th of October 2011: Adds support for Metis v2.82
  • 4th of September 2011: First release v0.1a
Thanks Testers:
  • Rty from "Help 4 your PC & Movies n Beer"
  • niko from "Help 4 your PC"
Past Release:[attachment=1][/attachment][attachment=2][/attachment]
Link Saver by Pri v0.2 (9th October 2011)
(67.32 KiB) Downloaded 968 times
Link Saver by Pri v0.1a (4th September 2011)
(67.38 KiB) Downloaded 965 times
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Re: Link Saver by Pri

Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:31 pm

Just to follow this up with the customisation file and how it works:

When you run this script it will create a file called Customisation.Settings.File.ini in the folder C:\Pri.Script.Dependencies\Link.Saver

If you open this file in Notepad you should see the following:

Code: Select all

### This is the Link Saver settings file, you can customise many aspects of the Link Saver from here ###
### Using this file is simple, Just change the output text to what you want, you can use colour codes too! ###

### Change these formats below to alter how things appear in-room, Changes happen as soon as you save this file ###

Link Posted Format: #c4#[Link Saver Name/Version] #c1#[Bitly URL] #c9#- #c63#"#c62#[Page Title]#c63#" #c9#(#c4#[Save Message]#c9#)
Link Browsing Format: #c1# [Original Link] #c63# | #c62# [Bitly URL]
Link Searching Format: #c1# [Original Link] #c63# | #c62# [Bitly URL]
Link Removal Format: #c4#[Link Saver Name/Version] #c1#[Original Link] #c62#Has been removed from the index

### Basic Variable Changes below ###

Maximum Amount Links per Browse Page: 20
Maximum Amount of !findlink Results: 20
Maximum Amount of Deletions: 3

### You can use any of these variables below in your custom formats ###

- [Link Saver Name/Version] [Bitly URL] [Page Title] [Save Message] [Original Link] [Short Name]
- [Raw Name] [Link Number] [Date] [Time]

### The variable [Save Message] is only used when links are posted in the room. It may say (Saved) or (Loaded from Cache) ###
### In the variable [Short Name] colour codes are removed from the users name to make it look nicer, use [Raw Name] if you want these kept in ###
You can change a lot of different things in this file for example when someone posts a link it looks like this:

Code: Select all

Link Saver (v0.1a): - " - View topic - Link Saver by Pri" (Saved) 
That is the default and the code to produce that is in the configuration file and looks like this:

Code: Select all

#c4#[Link Saver Name/Version] #c1#[Bitly URL] #c9#- #c63#"#c62#[Page Title]#c63#" #c9#(#c4#[Save Message]#c9#)
Pretty simple right? - Simply by copy and pasting things you can create your own formats.
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Re: Link Saver by Pri

Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:32 am

I'm using it in The Garden. Another nice script, thanks Pri. :)
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Re: Link Saver by Pri

Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:38 am

You're welcome :)
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Re: Link Saver by Pri

Sat Oct 04, 2014 4:01 pm

The Link Saver API has been upgraded. You do not need to download a new version of the script as these changes are all server side.

It now fully supports HTTPS connections. Previously when it received a HTTPS link it would try for a HTTP version of the page. This meant the Link Saver was unable to retrieve the title name of some websites that lacked HTTP versions or always redirected to HTTPS versions. Now it actually loads the real HTTPS page.

It now supports all URL types regardless of the symbols and signs in the urls. Things like ¬!"£$%^&*()_+?# etc now work in urls. This is not a hard coded system meaning it will work with ALL symbols past and present, even ones I've never heard of. It also supports russian characters.

Speed improvements, the API has actually had about 30% of it rewritten for the above changes and during the rewrite many speed improvements have been made by removing code that executed slowly.

So again you don't need to update your Link Saver, this is all server side but you'll now find that it will be 100% accurate on giving you shortened urls and the title pages will appear much more frequently.
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Re: Link Saver by Pri

Fri Dec 16, 2022 12:40 am

The server-side part of this script has been updated, we're now using our own link-shortening service because has changed business models and wants to charge money for their service. There's no update to the script as this is all occurring server-side.

The auxiliary benefit to this is now only one web query needs to be made instead of two which means links should theoretically post faster in your rooms. I did use asynchronous queries previously so the gain here isn't massive but it does eliminate the need to contact a URL-shortening service (such as entirely.

Kinda crazy that I released this 11 years ago but here we are and it still works :)

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