Download RoboMX v2.08 and Metis v2.83 together in an Installer: ... _v2.83.msi
- Standard GNU Public License (GPL)
- If you need to learn more about the GPL license please download the Source Code and open the ReadMe.txt file
- You must place the file in your Metis Plugins folder replacing your old Metis.r2x file - Do not rename your old file, move it to another folder to back it up.
- RoboMX 2.08 or Higher
- Download RoboMX 2.08 and Metis 2.83 together in an Installer: ... _v2.83.msi
- Includes five Parameters that were not included in the only working version of Metis 2.8 New! - v2.83
- Corrects the Bot-Halting 'Operation Timed Out' error message when a website fails to load.
- Increases readweb operator compatibility with Web Servers such as Lighthttpd
- Decreases the time it takes to query websites by 50% compared to Metis 2.81 and 2.80
- Adds a working version update notice when new Metis versions are released
- If a website fails to load this plugin will push the text "Error: The operation timed out." to your specified extdata variable it may push a DNS error notice to your variable instead.
- This version of Metis is modified from the 2.8a1 version, which I found to be the least buggy
- I am happy to offer you 1 to 1 support in your room with this plugin if you need it, you can find me in the Renegades room on MX
- 26th of May 2012: Adds five new parameters for script writers to use including: %USERMODE% %LASTMSG% %IDLETIME% %STAYTIME% and %JOINTIME%
- 9th of Ocotber 2011: Decreased the time it takes to query a webpage by 50%, increased web server compatibility, Added update notifications
- 11th of May 2011: First public release v2.81
- Fireblade from "5* Quality Movies"
- Niko from "Help 4 your PC"
- Rty from "Help 4 your PC & Movies n Beer"
- Jackaroo from "Aussie Chillout"
- Stevi from "WinMX Radio & Pinks Palace"