New Feature in v1.5+
- Automatic self-updating
To use this new feature all you need is to download wget from here simply unpack the wget folder and place it in to your plugins folder with the rest of your scripts. This script and all future scripts from me will then use wget to automatically update themselves. If you don't want to use this feature you can simply choose not to install wget and the script will still notify you of new versions how it always has in the past.
- You may host this script as is.
- You may alter the script however you want, but if you propagate your modified version I'd like you to share it publicly
- If you don't that's cool too.
- You must place the file in your Metis Plugins folder & edit your mxc.xml to add the line <include file=""/>
- Make sure you place the Proxy Blocker in your mxc.xml at the top above all other scripts
- Simply replace the old file with the new one from the top of this post, then restart your bot. Alternatively if you don't want to restart your bot you can enter /mxc load in your bots main chat window, this will make it reload all your plugins without restarting.
- Metis 2.82 or Higher
- RoboMX 2.08 or Higher
- Download RoboMX 2.08 and Metis 2.83 together in an Installer: ... _v2.83.msi
- Can download future updates of itself when it detects wget in your plugins folder New! - v1.5+
- Multi-bot support, run an unlimited amount of Proxy Blockers from the same computer New! - v1.7+
- Can create its own Folders and Files for its database automatically
- Kicks and Bans users who enter your room using Proxy Servers and announces it to Admins via Opmsg
- Local Whitelist File Support
- Standard Open API for blocking proxies (Does not need to download lists of IP's to block)
- Caching system for the "Live Proxy Blocker" to lower bandwidth usage for repeated queries
- Can lockdown your room in the event that a large targeted spam attack utilising proxies is detected New! - v1.4+
- Crowd Sourced Bans: Proxy Server bans are now shared among all rooms running the Proxy Blocker *
- Allows you to manually check if any IP you know is a Proxy Server using the !proxy <IP> command
- Can exile verified (aka not using a Proxy) users on entry from your room to another room **
- Can login verified (aka not using a Proxy) users on entry to your room *** New! - v1.5+
** To use this feature edit the file called C:\Pri.Script.Dependencies\Proxy.Blocker\ and place the room name in the file that you want users to be exiled to when they are verified as not being proxy users.
*** To use this feature edit the file called C:\Pri.Script.Dependencies\Proxy.Blocker\.forcelogin.password.ini and place the password in this file for your most basic user login that gives this user the ability to talk
Commands Included:
- !Download - Forcibly check for new crowd-sourced bans to be added to your in-room server banlist and local Proxy Blocker Cache
- !ProxyPardon [IP Address] - Pardon an IP Address from being detected as a Proxy Server in your Room New! - v1.5.1
- !Proxy [IP Address] - Check if an IP Address is a known Proxy Server or not
- !Proxy Verbose On/Off - Turn on or off the new Verbose feature (Off by default) New! - v1.4
- !Proxy Status - Check the status of the Proxy Blocker and its API's (Off by default)
- !ProxyLockdown On/Off - Turn on or off the new lockdown feature (Off by default)
- Question: I keep getting this error "unknown operator type readweb will default to +" what does it mean?
- Answer: It means you have an older version of Metis installed. Please download version v2.83 of Metis
- ---
- Question: I keep getting this message "</b>" what does it mean?
- Answer: It means you have an older version of Metis installed. Please download version v2.83 of Metis
- ---
- Question: When I type !Download nothing happens
- Answer: Make sure your bot is logged in correctly and that you added the the file to your MXC.xml
- As above it requires version 2.82 of Metis. If you do not use 2.82 (Or a better version than 2.82) Then this script will not work at all, specifically it will not be able to verify proxies at all and your room will be completely unprotected.
- Block Proxies in Peerblock or PFSense!
- PM me on the forums requesting the URL's for this, it's free just please specify the roomname or website you're protecting.
- I am happy to offer you 1 to 1 support in your room with this script if you need it, you can find me in the Renegades room on MX
- If you'd like to use my Proxy Blocker API but don't want to use my script you are free to bake the API in to your own software. You can use it for WinMX or anything else you want to use it for.
- View this post for API documentation: (Outdated)
- Raven (RIP) from "MXMadness"
- Wavparty (RIP) from "LATENight Movies"
- fireblade from "5 Star Quality Movies"
- Shakey from "Angels Movie House"
- Alice from "The Garden"
- Rty from "Help 4 your PC & Movies n Beer"
- Niko from "Help 4 your PC"
- Taffy from "Taffys Room"
- Jackaroo from "Aussie Chillout"
- Knot4Prophet from "A ROOM FOR APOSTASY"
- Admac (RIP) from "T-RexMX"
- + others that I may have forgot!
- 18th of July 2015: Fixes a bug with recurring update notifications
- 15th of July 2015: Multi-Bot support, improved database format, improved installation routine
- 4th of July 2015: General code improvements, support for improved pre-emptive API
- 30th of August 2014: Bugfix with the !proxy command where it thought every IP tested was not a proxy
- 20th of April 2014: Bugfix with the update notifications which could cause repeat messages and downloads
- 17th of April 2014: Uses new Proxy API v2, 2x faster query speed, API now gives signed responses, verbose mode added, separate analytical queries removed
- 1st of September 2013: Added a new command: !ProxyPardon [IP] which allows you (Logged in @ Admins) to "pardon" or "whitelist" IP's so they aren't detected as Proxy Servers.
- 6th of April 2013: Added automatic self-updating, ability to forcelogin users after they enter the room, API reporting improvements.
- 26th of May 2012: Added support for all future Metis releases without needing to upgrade the script in the future
- 11th of March 2012: Added support for the latest version of the winmxunlimited proxy blocking API, Added new informational messages to the !proxy and !download commands
- 6th of December 2011: Added new "Lockdown" mode and added remote deactivation systems for many script functions in the event we need to turn it off temporarily.
- 9th of October 2011: Added requirement for 2.82 of Metis due to Metis bug causing Proxy Checks to fail 99% of the time, Corrected the !Proxy command failure
- 28th of June 2011: Added new !Proxy command, Added ability for script to exile users to another room of your choosing if they are not a proxy, increased Crowd Sourcing query frequency for more effective pre-emptive protection.
- 16th of May 2011: Brand new Proxy Blocker, completely re-written with many new features including crowd sourced banning, real-time TOR blocking, increased speed and accuracy, reliability improvements, full support for the new Metis v2.81
Past Releases: