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Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:06 pm
by EmberCelica
So i recommended a game called osu. With it you get scores and accuracy and whatnot. So i got to thinking, why not make a thread for it as well. Here we could share scores for songs, or compete, or even host challenges or tournaments and etc. Anywho, for those that dont know Osu! is a rythm based game. It is decently complex and has nigh-infinite exandability. You can get new skins, new songs, or other things like that. While complicated its also simple and easy to fall in love with, however, some people just cant do it, and thats fine but still its worth giving it a shot and trying.
if you want to post your score do one of the following things:
  • Post a screen shot of the results page like the one below
  • Post the Accuracy, Score, Highest combo, and your letter score (D,C,B,A,S(silver),S(gold),SS, etc), and lastly the name of the song with difficulty in brackets
Example of the score results page:
So you could also post this as:
Name: Chasers - Lost[Normal]
Grade: A
Score: 913124
Accuracy: 92.99%
Combo: 284

So point being, if we wanted to we could do some form of competition and such with this, or prizes and etc. Just thought i would attempt to make an effort.