Ricksterm's Player Spotlight

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Ricksterm's Player Spotlight

Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:45 pm

Not only is he one of our favorite Administrators on the server and an excellent builder. He is an amazing person and easy to start a conversation with... That is, if he isn't AFK! This month I chose Rick to show how much we appreciate him. Not only for the help in-game, but also for the things he does behind scenes! If you see Rick in-game today, tomorrow, or ever. Make sure you thank him for his hard work and effort, as well as his kind and generous personality. He truly makes RENMX one of the places I like to call home! 

When did you Join RENMX?

late 2011

What is your favorite easter egg on RENMX?

I would say The Lost Shipment because it is something I spent a lot of time working on with iNook and Pri, but If I have to pick another persons creation I would have to say my favourite egg is Nirvana by StankForDank due to how creative it is.

What's your most used feature and why?

As a staff member my most used feature isn't one that everyone gets to see, it is our ACP (Admin Control Panel), This is what staff use all the time to manage players and other things that make the server tick.

What rank are you working towards at the moment (or one you already earned and why you wanted that rank)?

My rank below my staff rank is Epic Crafter, Obviously the next logical step up from that is Legendary Crafter and I hope one day I might get that, but this hasn't been something I have worked towards recently. My city (generally known as Ibex) is what got me Epic Crafter but it would be a huge undertaking, more than one person can deal with, to bring it up to Legendary Crafter level.

What is your favorite part about RENMX?

The tight-knit community we have plus the friends I have made during the many years I have been here.

Who is one of your biggest Role Models on the server, and why?

Difficult question to answer! There are many people on this server that I genuinely respect and I don't think I could pick out anybody specifically.

What is one of your favorite moments on the server, and why?

I have a lot of nostalgia for the times when I first started out on RENMX, the memories and the things we did. There were even a few server projects back in the day where dozens of people would work on one specific project or goal. That was pretty fun but coordination is pretty hard for large projects.

What is your greatest accomplishment on the server, and why?

The Lost Shipment Egg which I worked on with iNook and Pri was a large project at the time and it took a lot of effort to get it right!

Again, I have to mention about the great friends I have made here over the years, people I would have never 'met' if it wasn't for RENMX being here!

What is your most favorite build you’ve created on the server, and why? (Pictures)

My most favourite build has to be the upgrades I have made to spawn over the last year and a bit. I spend a lot of time thinking about how I can improve the looks of the first things people see when they join the server.

Any advice for the RENMX community?

If you are working on a build but are not sure on things, like materials, patterns, designs etc, don't be afraid to ask other people for their opinions, it can go a long way to ask someone even if your skill levels are the same. Also do not be afraid to take some inspiration from other builds on the server, so long as it's not literally copying block for block it's fine to do that!
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Re: Ricksterm's Player Spotlight

Tue Aug 28, 2018 12:39 am

Great interview :)
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Re: Ricksterm's Player Spotlight

Tue Aug 28, 2018 2:26 am

Thanks Rick :)

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