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RenTech Thank you!

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:53 am
by Jrod
As Valentines day has recently passed and we have been making a wonderful profit from all of you lovely folks we just want to say Thanks! It's not the building and the money that you make on the server that makes it enjoyable its the people. Anyone can make a ton of cash if you have the right strategy, but how can you obtain it without people? I just finished an essay on how life is so precious and we can't take it for granite. So why would we nominate 1 day to celebrate love for people? Why not do it every day? Think of it this way you would expect flowers on Valentines day right? But what about February 25th? No you probably wouldn't. So a question that might open your mind a bit. Why celebrate love openly on one day? So on this "non-special" Day the Staff of RenTech would like to say thank you for being such a great community and we love each and every one of you :) <3 Keep being you! Everyone else is taken.
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