Player Spotlight: Hall742

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Player Spotlight: Hall742

Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:26 pm

This spotlight comes one of the legends....





Some of us might have heard of the name Hall742. A staff member twice, built a speed obstacle course thrice and created machines several times. One of the Mt. Aino builders, he is the man behind the Engineer rank. Applied for Apprentice rank with his redstone game machine (which was ahead of our time in server, only few did that), a new rank was created for him. He created Tic Tac Toe, Rock Paper Scissors and other machines.

Who are you? When did you join RenMX?

Hey! My name is Josh or as most of you know me as Hall742 on the server. I first joined the server during January 2012. Over 3 years later here I still am!

What do you enjoy the most in our server?

I love the community - even thought it isn't the biggest server out there the people that do visit regularly are awesome and the new players that join 9 times out of 10 are awesome as well.


What types of creations do you like to create?

Me being the Engineer Rank on the server speaks for itself, I love to build things with Redstone - after getting permission from Pri I received OP status on the creative server which opened up a lot of different ideas. I like to come up with new and unique experiences for the survival server's Easter eggs.

How do you plan before you create?

Normally I don't fully plan out the project i'm working on, the only planning I do is under 2 circumstances. 1: When I need to come up with a new unique idea. 2: When creating said project if I get stuck on any specific command block usage or Redstone gates i'll sit down and work it out. Most of the time I just flow with what comes out.

Ruined Mt. Aino temple
Do you have any tips for us to craft better creations?

I'd advise anyone who wants to work with Redstone to think outside of their comfort zone and go with something unique - although it is becoming more and more difficult to think of a unique project - it is the unique ideas that are seen as better builds.

Any projects we look forward to?

As of this moment i'm not working on any however I have just finished my most recent Easter egg named "What If?"


If you're going to implement a feature for RenMX, what would it be?

Possibly a way to sell card effects on the auction house - a player can turn an effect, such as the repair card, into a token which can then be sold to other players.

What's your feedback about our community?

As said above the community is awesome and I wouldn't change anything about it! The staff are awesome people and they do their jobs well and the majority of the player base do their job to follow the rules!
I'm SUPPORTER and was the first Asian and youngest staff member at age 13.
Epic Crafter since Nov 2013 / Server moderator from Jun. 2012 - Oct. 2017

Populus Magnus nation

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