Cuboid Guide

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Cuboid Guide

Sun May 22, 2011 7:51 am

As the official Cuboid site is gone and we are using it I figured it would be a good idea to post here how to use it! - So on our server only Master Crafters, Mods and Admins have Cuboid so users you'll need to become one of them to get access to it. The reason Cuboid is restricted is obviously due to its potential for abuse. Build something epic in the server and you'll receive Master Crafter and that is the quickest way to receive Cuboid.

Undo Command
Made a mistake? Type /undo and whatever the last action you did with Cuboid will be instantly undone. I'm listing this first as if you're reading this you're just learning how to use Cuboid!

Cuboid Selection
When holding a wood shovel (/kit tools will give you this), right click on a block, then another block. On This image, the two points you have to set up are A and G. It displays messages, and you're ready to type a treatment command. Issuing a treatment command on a cuboid DOES NOT reset the selection, so even if you perform an action on a selected cuboid it remains selected until you select a different cuboid.

Protecting an Area
This sets the owners of the selected cuboid. Only owners, members of the specified group, and unrestricted players can build and remove blocks in a protected cuboid. The command is NOT case sensitive. "John" and "john" will be considered the same player. Protection is persistent between server restarts and are saved on the server. Groups members are checked as often as needed. This means that if you allow the "merchant" group in a certain cuboid, then insert "john" into the "merchant" group, he will instantly be able to interact with the cuboid.

Here are some examples of protection commands:
/protect Relliktsohg home - I will be the only owner of the area, now called "home"
/protect g:admins g:moderators John Potatoe - Any Admin, Moderator or me (John) are the owners of this area
/protect Relliktsohg g:mages hey0 magesTower - Here a user is listed before a group, the order doesn't mater.

Unprotecting an Area
/unprotect will remove the protected cuboid. Another alias is /removeprotected

Wood Sword
Right-click with a Wood Sword (Item ID 268) when pointing to a block to know its owners. "g:groupName" means anyone in the group can interract with the block.

Filling an Area with a specific block type
/cfill Fills the selected cuboid with the specified block type. You can use both numbers or real names for example /cfill 4 or /cfill cobble

Replacing Blocks with other Blocks in an Area
/creplace Replaces all specified block types with another block type that you specify, within the selected cuboid.
For example: /replace grass sand will replace any Grass in your selected Cuboid with Sand. You can use item numbers or item names like with /cfill

Removing Blocks in an Area
/cdel Simply removes any block within a selected Cuboid. Be careful with this command and remember if you make a mistake type /undo

Saving an Area
Select a cuboid, type /csave it will be saved server-side, in a folder called "cuboids", and a sub-folder of the player name. Type /csave overwrite will write over a previously existing file. If you intend to go away for a long time (such as a holiday) this can be a good way to make sure that any griefing that occurs to your buildings can quickly be reverted when you return.

Loading an Area
select a Cuboid, type /cload it will load in your previously saved Cuboid overwriting any blocks that are in the cuboid presently.

Copy and Pasting an Area
Select two corners of a cuboid, type /copy to copy it, then go somewhere else and select a single block with your wooden shovel and type /paste - You can paste a single object multiple times without needing to copy it again. Be careful with this command for obvious reasons

Sizing up an Area
Type /csize to view how many blocks are within an area

Quick Shape Creation
/ccircle [height] - You only need to select one point. It draws a circle on the ground with the specified block type. Optionally, you can specify a height to create a cylinder. (negative height is possible - carful with going through bedrock)
/csphere [Block] - You only need to select one point. It builds an empty sphere around the selected center, with the specified block type.
/cball [Block] - You only need to select one point. It builds a filled sphere around the selected center, with the specified block type
/cfaces [Block] - Needs two corners selected. It builds the faces of the selected cuboid.
/cwalls [Block] - Needs two corners selected. It builds the faces of the selected cuboid, without floor and ceiling.
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Re: Cuboid Guide

Fri Jun 03, 2016 12:36 pm

Couple questions. This Cuboid is only applies to the Creative server, right? Also, by "Master Crafter" you mean Epic Crafter, right? Or is this a new rank I don't know about?
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Re: Cuboid Guide

Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:46 pm

Daigle, I wrote this guide in 2011. Cuboid was a plugin we had before WorldEdit existed. xD

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