Latest Contest Winner: Fightentexasg21 (April 2013 Fountain Contest)
Server Addresses:
Creative Server: creative.renmx.com
Survival Server: survival.renmx.com
= Online
= Offline
- Web Address: http://www.renmx.com - You can find the latest news here
- Forum Address: http://mxpulse.com/board - Our official discussion forum
- IRC Server: irc.geekshed.net #RenMX - Our official IRC Chat Room
- YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/RenegadesMinecraft - Our official Minecraft Channel
- View our server Maps: http://map.renmx.com/ - Instantly updating Map with Live Player Positions of all our servers
- Griefing is not allowed on any of our servers.
- Stealing and PVP are only allowed on our Survival server and only in areas where PVP is enabled.
- Building box houses with no character or imagination is discouraged on our servers.
- Passive mobs are active on all of our servers, hostile mobs only on Survival.
- Nether works fine on all of our servers and is free for all players to access.
- All user ranks have coloured names, as indicated below.
- User - Original User Level all new players receive (Includes /item /tp /warp on our Creative servers)
- Apprentice - Same as User but you also receive /time /weather & /hat commands *
- Architect - Same as Apprentice but you receive full WorldEdit and LiteSniper *
- Engineer - Same as Architect but received for building amazing things with redstone circuits *
- Artist - Same as Architect but received for building amazing pixel-art creations *
- Director - Same as Architect but received for creating Videos, you will receive Mod Disguise *
- City Planner - Same as Architect but you receive a different colour in chat and full VoxelSniper *
- Legendary Crafter - Same as City Planner but with Time and Weather control on Survival *
- Moderator - Escalates technical issues to Admins, kicks, bans and helps settle player disputes
- Administrator - Takes care of the server, has final say in all decisions
Please note that whilst your name colour stays the same between our Creative & Survival servers your abilities do not. So if you are an Architect you will only have WorldEdit and VoxelSniper on our Creative server and not on our Survival server, but you will keep your special blue coloured name across all servers.
* These ranks are also displayed on our forum. Architects and above are also able to upload and download schematic files to/from our Creative server for importing and exporting their builds.
- /warp spawn - Default world that you spawn in to
- /warp flat - A completely flat world
- Our maps are backed up every 24 hours & Archived for long term storage.
- We use MySQL for database intensive plugins like Logblock to keep the servers lag free.
- Server Hardware: Core i7 940, 24GB RAM, 100Mb internet, 2x40GB SSD's in RAID0.
- We do not have a limit on the amount of people who can sign up (So please do!)
We also enable Architects, Artists, Engineers, Directors, City Planners, Mods and Admins export anything they've built on any of our servers as a .schematic file which can be downloaded through our forum to your home computer for editing and re-uploading to our Creative server or just for personal storage or use on other servers.
We hope you have lots of fun on our servers!