Player Spotlight: Tupo_

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Player Spotlight: Tupo_

Wed May 04, 2016 12:21 pm


Tupo_! Judging by the name, this user might be Tupo the world! The builder has brought us again their fantastic builds with fun village and nicely built house.

Who are you? When did you join RenMX?
I'm Tupo a.k.a Beckham :) I joined RenMX a long time ago, back on the old survival map, about 4 years ago.

What do you enjoy the most in our server?
It is hard to point out one thing, as there are many things that make the server as good as it is. Although if I did have to pick one, I would say that I enjoy the people, from the amazing staff members to the new players, renmx has a great community I am proud to be a part of.


What types of creations do you like to create?
Whatever comes to mind! From my IRL house to a secret island base or even a modernised beach house :)

How do you plan before you create?
Once I have an idea, I like to either build it in a single player world or on RenMX Creative before transfering to survival. Although sometimes I have been known to just start building and worry how it turns out later.


Do you have any tips for us to craft better creations?
Don't force yourself to make something, or don't just make something just for a rank. It is how you get burnt out and put off building all together. If you build something because you are excited to build it you will have more fun doing it and it tends to be better quality too. I am not saying don't apply for ranks, because you should but let it be an extra bonus rather than it being the main goal.

Any projects we can look forward to?
Well I am experimenting in creative at the moment but I intend to formulate some of my old builds and a whole lot of new ones into a town :)


If you were going to implement a feature for RenMX, what would it be?
Well RenMX is just chopped full of great ideas and the is evident with the amazing shopping system, easter eggs, cards, etc. I feel it would be hard for me to implement something like that well at least not yet (I am taking a 2 year computing course when I leave school for college which covers verious scripts and also web design), so for now I can only implement myself further into the community and also the builds I create

What's your feedback about our community?

As I have mentioned before RenMX has some amazing people and those people all make the RenMx community so amazing. I have met so many amazing people on this server. Without some of the people on this server I would be lost. A great example of that being the Big Boss himself, helping me get my operating system awhile back when I ordered a PC without even thinking about that. I think that just sums up RenMX, full of genuinely good people :)










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