A quick discussion

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Should there be a Staff Application

Poll ended at Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:50 am

1. Yes
2. Maybe
3. No
4. Idk
No votes
5. Idc
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A quick discussion

Fri Sep 30, 2016 12:50 am

As you may or may not already know this server has been lacking in active staff members. I personally never see any staff online from the time of 6:30-8:00, when i am on.

During the summer the staff members are mainly on all the time. As school approached, the staff members were hardly ever on.

So here is my question, should there be a staff application tab on the forums again. I am not a staff members but if this discussion gets a lot of support. Then that might be able to happen.

If you like the idea make sure to type in the comments #StaffApplication_LetsGo

There is also a poll you can go answer to. This poll will run for for 2 months..
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Re: A quick discussion

Fri Sep 30, 2016 1:26 am

I think this is a good idea, but there should be sort of an interview session along with a textual pre-application. (Suppose it depends on how many people actually apply.)
This is a bit different from applying for a rank.
To actually be useful as a staff member, they would need the same tools.
Including that they should have some general knowledge about the workings of minecraft, server requirements, and the like.
(This is a bit obvious.)

The interview would give you a good idea of who's applying and how they solve problems.
Ask them about certain scenarios and how they would respond.


This could at least be a test to see how well a community-driven approach works.
Considering how great the community already is, it may have a better chance than some other gaming communities.

I'm in college and hardly on during the school year, but it is nice to have in-game support when you need it.
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Re: A quick discussion

Fri Sep 30, 2016 3:05 am

As a forum staff member. I believe that applications are not the best way to come to an agreement on who should be a staff member or not. The reason the staff selection is done by other staff members is because if you are an active member on the server and have a good reputation with the staff and the rest of your peers, then you have no need to apply for an application. This is because your actually the application itself at work. The staff doesn't know what you like just through an application. I believe they want to know how you can handle things. If you are good under stress, not the center of arguments or trying to step in. Instead just being a good role model to those who are new to the server is what we wanted.
It's like a job, You may sound amazing on paper but what you are really like in game is the most important thing.

I vote No. We have had many amazing staff members from selection.

Thank You

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Re: A quick discussion

Fri Sep 30, 2016 4:13 am

thank you blackeyeddog for voting, I set up this discussion because i kinda thought it would be great to see what other players including staff.

Thank you bandofstartans for the feed back, i also think a interveiw would be a great idea. As it might help out the community to get to know you better and the way you think and feel, your agruements your, your likes and dislikes. '

If anyone else would like to share, their thoughts about the subject make sure to do so by commenting in the forums, on this page.
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Re: A quick discussion

Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:10 am

We did staff applications before and out of 200 applications only 1 or 2 people ever got all the questions in the application form correct. And they weren't even hard questions, just things related to the server rules and some general Minecraft questions.

In general, the people who ask to be staff should never be given such a role.

Also we do keep metrics on this data, here is how things looked over the past 24 hours on the server:


So you can see there were 5 hours within the past 24 hours where no staff were online. But there was more than likely one active team member on IRC who could be reached by using /report or calling their name. Myself and Rick idle on IRC and check in from time to time.

Getting more high quality staff is always on our agenda but we're very choosy about who we pick as it's not an easy job nor is it fun, it's like having a second job and it requires a certain temperament and maturity that is hard to find.
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Re: A quick discussion

Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:28 am

I also do not wish to pick staff members from applications. It's easy to bullshit your way through questions that may be asked, even in an interview. The way we do it now we know how people act because we pick them ourselves.
I'd like to point out that even tho there may be times we don't have staff online, as Pri said, there's usually a way to get ahold of a staff member. There is also the /report function in game if it's an issue that can be handled at a later time.
Most issues can be taken care of either with /report or using the support forum. I was checking forums yesterday even though I wasn't ingame.
So please, don't think we're unaware even if you don't see us ingame.

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